EGO Store
a project for a shopping store that host different design of women clothing for a fashion show and buyer can poll a cloth design among different choices, it also offer a discount coupon on every successful polling. Designed in 2.0 using Ms.SQL Server 2000 as database and simple html reports..
Ayhan Shipping and Logistics (visit facebook page, photo albums to find out more about it)
a project for shipping/logistic company which comprises of Party Registration, Job Registration, Payable, Receivable, Operating Expenses, Assets Management, Account Summary, , Booking Request along with reporting features that target CLIMAX software as a competitor. Designed in 2.0 using Ms.SQL Server 2000 as database and Crystal Report 10 as a reporting tool.
Domestic Job Ireland (visit facebook page, photo albums to find out more about it)
an IRISH project for advertising domestic job in several easy steps, it includes job posting, skills advertisement, notification to the employer, subscription feature of job searching for un-experienced internet users that attract domestic employers. It is still under development phase, design in 1.0 using Ms.SQL Server 2000 as database and Crystal Report 10 as a reporting tool.
eBook Ireland (visit facebook page, photo albums to find out more about it)
an IRISH project for hosting books online in readable format, it offers online sale, purchase and auctions of book(s). It was unique in the sense that every subscriber owns separate panel for administrating his book and could make is accessible to general public or a specific group filters via IP address. It is still under development phase, design in 1.0 using Ms.SQL Server 2000 as database and Crystal Report 10 as a reporting tool. |